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comision europea


The project



Expected results

The project includes the development of the following activities:

Qbake activities

Coordination and quality management

The project will implement a coordination and a quality plan to manage all activities.
Qbake activities

Training needs analysis
A predictive training analysis study will be performed by the participating RTDs and later compared with the results of a TNA performed with a series of bakery companies in the 4 participating countries (Greece, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom).
Qbake activities

Development of training materials
Based on the TNA results, the consortium will undertake the building of a training program (including materials, methodology, implementation considering work duties, validation tools, etc).
Qbake activities

Training Trainers’ Workshop
A workshop will be organized in Campden BRI facilities to train 2 trainers from the 4 participating countries. The trainers will be selected among some experts in the participating countries and will review the training program.
Qbake activities

Validation of training program
A series of training sessions will be carried out in the different countries to test the appropriateness and relevance of the training program. The program will be delivered with a group of selected trainees, all employees of the bakery sector. Some months after the training sessions, an impact analysis will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the training in the workplace.
Qbake activities

Dissemination of project activities and results
A series of dissemination tools and activities will be programmed along the project lifetime. A multilingual blog on bakery technology will provide companies in the sector with an insight into the new technologies and developments, as well as information on Vocational Education and Training in Europe. The project website (www.qbake.eu) will offer general information on the project as well as updates and news. The Associations included in the consortium will use their networks to disseminate project news.
Qbake activities

After the project lifetime, the RTDs will be able to exploit the developed product in their countries. Also, a Transfer of Innovation project is projected in order to transfer methodology, results and know-how to other countries.

q bake project
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.